Wednesday, February 1, 2012

ACTIVE Domination!

i've lived alone now for nearly a year since my apartment is so purrrfect!  It has all the qualities i prayed for prior to finding it.  i furnished it with all new furniture and artwork, new dishes, glasses and silverware, new towels, etc. i created a look and feel of the style i always liked, but never had the opportunity to express until now.  Over this past year, i have tried to keep the apartment clean and polished...Dom ready, if Y/you will, but there are moments where i let things slide a little.  My clothes will pile up without laundry being done, dishes sit in the sink, mail does not get filed, etc. 

SirW helps me keep things nice by using some D/s techniques, like if my closet (and the clothes) is not in good condition (nothing on the floor, laundry done), then there will be a WHISTLE DRILL.  This means that He will blow His whistle and tell me exactly what clothes to put on..could be a hat, one shoe, one boot, a scarf, a t-shirt, a sweater, pants and a skirt, gloves and return to the computer.  Then the next whistle blows and the outfit changes until i have gone through my entire wardrobe, which means the closet will be much worse than before the drill...guess what?  My closet got cleaned real quick! 


The thing is...i LOVE it!  Why?  Because i expressed the desire for assistance with a bad habit i possess, and SirW makes sure my issue gets corrected...this is a form of ACTIVE Domination.  There is a big difference between punishment and correction.  i submit this issue to Him and He dominates me into a resolution - how awesome is this?  It's AWESOME!  He also helps me with other things, like my less-than-purrfect relationship with my Mother.  He helps me stay calm and look at the bigger picture.  She is my Mother and if it weren't for her, He would not have the love of His life (me), He says - how sweet is that?  It's SWEET!

i guess what i want to relay is that i am feeling' good about the balance i have going on in my life.  Balance is not an easy thing to achieve, but if we submissives trust our Dom to assist with it, it can be achieved


i am truly blessed!



  1. :)
    so wonderful when that balance is acquired...
    happy for you!! :)

  2. Hello,

    have and / or know how to keep the balance is excellent, and if this learning is done by the OWNER, is divine!


    Beijos carinhosos,


  3. This sort of setup sounds ideal to me. We should be the best we can. The better we are, the better we can be for our Sirs/Masters etc.
