May i start by saying, this was a great challenge from Sir to me, and Virgo’s are all about taking a challenge and doing well *wink* but…i must also admit that this took so much more time, research and energy that i ever imagined it taking. i admit that this was an exhausting task and am glad it is over. i sincerely hope that anyone who reads this does not take anything mentioned here personally or negatively. It must be known that whether O/one is Dominant or submissive, they are B/both wonderful. i would like to also state, for the record, that in my opinion, a Dom can be sensitive and a sub is not weak - it takes great strength in B/both roles!
This was not an easy task by any means. There are so many factors when dealing with the Zodiac signs, which will always have exceptions to the rule, especially due to how people are raised, their beliefs, their individual personalities and rising signs within their signs *sheesh* meaning the placement of your birthday within with sign itself (beginning, middle or end of the sign’s period) – rising signs, i believe. i touched a little on which signs appear to be Yin or Yang, i don’t even want to talk about the Sun and Moon, so i am not going to (LOL)!
My research was formed by reading material found on numerous websites, interviews with men and women (both vanilla and non-vanilla) and my personal experience. This information should be considered opinion and not fact and may not please everyone who reads it, as they may have a difference in opinion – let me reiterate that there are so many factors and exceptions, but i did find that there are many sources that pointed to the same information, so here goes:
First of all, my studies have lead me to believe that there does not appear to be such thing as a "most dominant" sign, as it's not always going to be the case when another sign comes along, however, the signs that tend to be dominant in their relationships are:
- Scorpio
- All three fire signs (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius)
- Capricorn
- Aquarius
Before i continue, i want to share with Y/you a great definition of Submissive: "Submissiveness is the trait of being willing to yield to the will of another person or a superior force."
Now then, let U/us talk about being Fixed, Cardinal and Mutable:
The Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio will have the most dominant presence and try to control the atmosphere over the situation and keep things in focus. The Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will be the preachers and try to influence the situation the most giving advice to the fixed and mutable signs. They will also try to make sure that the rules are followed. The Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces will try to improve the situation and normally do things to compliment what ever situation they are in and make the necessary adjustments. Fixed signs always have the most powerful presence if you are talking about being the boldest and the least impressionable. They try to form the structural components. The cardinal signs are the most critical and analytical and make most of the rules and the mutual signs are the most adaptable and make sure all the signs work well together in harmony and try to bring opposites together.
The word "cardinal" comes from the French "cardo" meaning a hinge, that on which something turns. It is the most important part. The cardinal directions are the north, south, east and west. They are the times when the seasons change. Aries for Spring; Cancer for Summer; Libra for Autumn; and Capricorn for Winter. They therefore are times for a new beginning.
In Astrology, the cardinal signs are the first, fourth, seventh and tenth (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). These signs are characterized by enterprise, or starting things.
Sometimes Aries and Libra are called equinox signs, and Cancer and Capricorn are called solstice signs. Equinoxes are times of perfect balance between day and night (day and night are 12 hours long). The solstice times are the times of the longest day (Cancer) and the longest night (Capricorn).
Aries and Libra are times of balance, but also times of abrupt change. Cancer and Capricorn are times of extremes.
The word "fixed" means securely placed and fastened and implies unchanging. In Astrology, the fixed signs are the second, fifth, eighth and eleventh (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius). They are characterized by the keyword "stability" or firm and dependable.
The word "mutable" means "subject to change". The mutable signs are the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces). The keyword for these is "adaptability".
The diagram below shows the zodiac in its natural form, with Aries in the first position (the start of spring) and the signs on their natural angles. The arrow to the left is called the Ascendant (Asc) and the one pointing upwards is called the Mid Heaven (MC). The four quarters of the circle contain the three signs of each quadruplicity.
The sequence of cardinal (create, begin, ), fixed (change or maintain) and mutable (change to something else, end, destroy) is part of all the things we experience in the world. This pattern recurs through the horoscope in the quarters of the zodiac. Because these are four groups (or quarters) they are called quadruplicities.
CARDINAL signs are associated with starting things, initiating things or being "enterprising". They are forceful and aggressive and have the will to accomplish something, often something new. They project into the world. They are creative in the sense that they cause things and start things.
Aries people will do this energetically and urgently (or impatiently). They cannot wait to do what they have in mind to do and that which is motivated by their enthusiasm.
Cancer people are emotionally assertive. They project emotion in a protective and sensitive way.
Libras do it in a balanced way, considering the viewpoints of others. Because they are people of air, they are more likely to project in a verbal way, compared with Aries who take action on their enthusiasm. Libras will tend to use language to cause others to take the necessary action.
Capricorn projects in a practical, down to earth manner. It takes action based on practical need, and success.
FIXED signs are concerned with maintaining something, changing things so they are the same as before, or establishing things. Fixed and changed appear to be contradictory. Imagine a house. Every day it gets untidy and dirty. In order to keep it in its "normal" state, it must be changed - cleaned, tidied, etc. - so it remains the same. A body needs to be regularly fed and watered if it is to maintain its state of being alive. There appears to be no change because there is a lot of change directed to maintain a state, such as a clean house and a living body. Another example is a field. If the field is not maintained (lots of change, like plowing, setting seed, weeding, etc.) then the field will disappear as Nature reclaims it. What is fixed is the clean house, the living body and the field. What is changed is all the things that keep, for example a field, a field and not a wilderness.
Taurus wants to make the products of the self, sometimes material wealth, permanent and fixed. Taurans do not like changes in their wealth. You might think this is true of everyone, however some people do not measure their lives by the wealth they accumulate and these people are far less upset than Taurans when their personal wealth is threatened.
Leo wants to keep its personal power. It wants to be impressive and creative and keep this relationship with others. It makes changes so that it remains in its power state.
Scorpio is fixed in terms of their emotional reactions. It feels more secure when they know what feelings other have. Scorpio makes changes, that is seeks to know the deep emotions that others have which motivate them.
Aquarius wants to keep their beliefs, etc. concerning humanity. Aquarians seek to keep their friends. If they are revolutionaries, then they remain revolutionaries.
MUTABLE signs are concerned with changing things into something else. This is not transforming as much as it moving on to something else. The emphasis is on adaptability in the sense that while the fixed signs resist change, the mutable signs accept it. The mutable signs end a cycle and lead on to the beginning of the new quadruplicity.
Gemini is a sign of the air and therefore is concerned with communication, words and the mind. Geminis will adapt themselves to their environment and therefore not cause things to persist. While the fixed signs adapt the environment to their needs, wants and goals, the mutable signs adapt their needs, wants and goals to the environment. If the field grows weeds, they adapt themselves to them. And if the field becomes a wilderness, they adapt themselves to the wilderness. In this way they cease to make the changes necessary to keep things as they are, and allow almost any kind of change. This is true of all the mutable signs.
This is not to say that mutable signs never resist change, or that they never try to achieve goals at odds with the environment, but it is to say they are more likely to give up or to give in than the fixed signs are.
Virgo is critical and analytical. In this way, Virgo brings to an end something which was previously believed.
Sagittarius is the ninth sign. It is a sign of fire. While it is a seeker of knowledge, its key-phrase is "I know". Sagittarius brings about the end of ignorance by discovering the truth, according to Sagittarius so that it seeks final knowledge (the end of knowledge).
Pisces brings about the end of emotions through dissolving into the oneness of all things.
The table below shows the quadruplicities:
Quadruplicity | Signs | Keywords | |||
Cardinal | Aries | Cancer | Libra | Capricorn | Enterprise |
Fixed | Taurus | Leo | Scorpio | Aquarius | Stability |
Mutable | Gemini | Virgo | Sagittarius | Pisces | Adaptability |
Now, let U/us talk about the elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water:
Dominant: Air and fire signs because They're of masculine nature, they tend to Dominate and are more about action.
Leos tend to be the most dominant and outgoing of the zodiac signs. Positive, self-assured, and ambitious, you strive for success in all areas of your life. You love to be the center of attention, and may often follow a path in life that allows you to be adored and praised, and that fits well with your regal personality.
Submissive: Earth and water signs because they're of feminine nature, and are more about reaction than action. Exception being Scorpio which is very Dominant.
Submissive: Earth and water signs because they're of feminine nature, and are more about reaction than action. Exception being Scorpio which is very Dominant.
All of the signs have the quality of one of the four elements. These are called the triplicities because they are a a group of three signs. For example, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are a group of three fire signs. The table below shows the Signs and the corresponding elements:
Element | Keywords | Signs | ||
Fire | Forcefully | Aries | Leo | Sagittarius |
Earth | Practically | Taurus | Virgo | Capricorn |
Air | Thoughtfully | Gemini | Libra | Aquarius |
Water | Emotionally | Cancer | Scorpio | Pisces |
The fire signs all share the quality of fire, and the other signs share the qualities of earth, air and water respectively.
The fire signs all have some element of "forcefulness" in them. The Earth signs are "practical and down-to-earth". The Air signs are "thoughtful or intellectual". And the water signs are "emotional".Element | Keywords | Jung | Hippocrates | Plato | Paracelsus | Knowing |
Fire | Action | Intuitive | Choleric | Imagination | Salamander | Insights/ Cognitions |
Earth | Practical | Sensation | Melancholic | Demonstration | Gnome | Opportunities/ Methods |
Air | Intellectual | Thinking | Sanguine | Intelligence | Sylph | Concepts/ Reasoning |
Water | Emotional | Feeling | Phlegmatic | Opinion | Undine | Feelings |
Here are some more correspondences:
Element | Directions | Physical Sense | Mental | Spirit | Illumination | Bodies | Density |
Fire | South | Sight | Understanding | Spiritual | Light | Animals | Light |
Earth | North | Feeling/ Touch | The Senses | Grounded | Dark | Stones | Heavy |
Air | East | Sound | Reason | Mind | Dark | Plants | Light |
Water | West | Smell/ Taste | Memory | Psychic | Dark | Metals | Heavy |
The Salamanders, gnomes, sylphs and nymphs are "mythical" creatures that inhabit and maintain the elements. A salamander a being that lives in fire. It also refers to a being that can stand a lot of heat. The word is used for an inhabitant of the element fire who performs world-building tasks related to the element fire.
A gnome is a "mythical" being that lives in the ground in caves. They are reputed to guard buried treasure. Not surprisingly, the word is sometimes applied to international bankers. The word is used to refer to beings of the earth who perform tasks related to the element earth.
Sylphs are creatures of the air, sometimes called nymphs of the air. The word is used to refer to inhabitants of the element air who perform world-building tasks related to the element air.
Undines are creatures of the water, and are said to live beneath the waves. They are sometimes called water nymphs. The word is used to refer to the inhabitants of the element water who perform tasks related to that element.
The use of the four elements is attributed to Ptolemy.
Fire tends to go upwards, and can raise things into the clouds and beyond. The sun and the stars are fire - high in the sky! Fire cannot truly be confined, although it can be controlled. Even so, it eventually escapes into the sky. Not surprisingly, fire is associated with spirit, high ideals. Fire ideas can be very distant from the ideas of this Earth. While fire consumes, it also creates new life (forest fires remove the old and enable the new - some plants even wait for the fire to release their seeds!). Of all the elements, fire captures our attention the most. Archetypal fire goes high above the earth, is consuming, clinging and captivating and creates the new and removes the old. Fire is raw energy.
Fiery people have high spirits, great self-confidence, enthusiasm, and direct honesty and openness. They project a radiant, vitalising energy that glows warmly. They need a good deal of freedom to express themselves so they can insist on their own point of view.
They are consumed - even entranced - by whatever they do. They are motivated by excitement, insight and intuition. That is, they get an idea which captivates them. They do not consider rational or logical thinking or practical feasibility. The idea comes to them fully formed and full of power. While the idea may grow over a period of time, it does not grow logically but intuitively. Sometimes fiery people do not know why they must do what they must do!
Fire appears as if from nowhere, it grabs every one's attention, and forces its way through almost everything, consuming the air, evaporating the water and chars the earth. Even the rocks are scorched or even melted (lava).
Not surprisingly, fire people are assertive, individualistic, active and self-expressive. Fire sign energies can stimulate others, but they can also overpower and exhaust them. Good natured and fun-loving, they may have many friends. They are generous with their time, energy, and resources. They value having a good time above material possessions. They are generous but egoistic. Fiery people may believe so strongly in their own powers and abilities that they fail to notice the powers and abilities of others. This may mean that they do not give others the credit they deserve, or it may be that they underestimate their opponents.
They believe that "If you want a job done well, then do it yourself". However, they belong to a group that is the most daring and capable inspiring natural leaders. They lead from the front. In war or business, they are out in the front leading the way. They are independent and individualistic leaders, rarely consulting others before they act. In fact, they may not even think things through to themselves, because their mode of thought is intuitive. They are always "on stage" and need to be recognised and admired for their attainment and accomplishments. They consider being appreciated more important than being rich. Nothing hurts them more than being ignored. The fire sign sense of honesty is straightforward and often child-like. They believe everyone is like themselves an open book. This may lead them to be gullible and naive, or to others exploiting their openness.
The earth element represents matter. Everything in the universe is made of matter. You can touch what exists and often see or hear it. Earth is real and objective because it is perceivable by the five senses. Everything that exists in the universe is either earth or water. For anything to manifest, it must contain the elements earth or water. Of all the elements, the earth element is the most easy to confine and capture, to hold in the hand. It is rigid, fixed and stable. Anything that is attainable is "down to earth" and not "airy fairy", or "high in the sky". Archetypal earth is real, heavy, and the basis of all achievement. It is the foundation of all that is. Like the real earth, it is fixed, stable, organised and predictable. It is limited and disciplined.
Of all the elements, it is the earth that can be possessed and owned. It provides a solid basis for our existence (dependable and stable), yet it can rise only so far. And the higher it rises (a bolder on a mountain), the farther it has to fall, making it cautious. Unlike the other elements, it cannot easily rise and almost never disappears.
Earthy people are, therefore, cautious, premeditative, conventional and dependable. They live by a practical, common-sense code and seek physical well being rather than spiritual enlightenment, or to rise high. The expression "down to earth" sums them up. They are responsible, methodical, and concerned with detail. Children of the earth element are therefore well suited to life on this planet. They are realistic, builders and hard workers. They are pragmatic, materialistic and reductionist - they reduce everything to what is practical, useful and observable. They particularly value skills and abilities. Earth types are successful business people in the sense that they can stably maintain things. While the fiery type is an innovator, the earth type is cautious and practical, being more interested in established business activities than new innovative ones. Imagination to an earth type is of realistic representations of the five senses (or a few of them). They think about what is, rather than what might be. In a way, they lack imagination. They can be too fixed to rules, regulations and procedures.
While air is light, it pervades everything on earth. For a long way into the sky and even in deep caves there is air. Air rises, but not as much as fire. Like fire, air is difficult to control or to capture. It is (nearly) always free. Yet it links everything to everything else. Air is associated with words and language. Language and words are essentially verbal, and speech requires air. It has a serial quality. You can blow air from one position to another. For example, you can direct the breath to blow away some dust - the air moves from the mouth to the position of the dust. Language requires that words are uttered in a particular sequence, and the basis of logic is within language. (You cannot prove logic!) For most of human history, the air was the motive force of transport (sailing ships) and a major source of power (windmills). Archetypal air is associated with language, logic, communication and transport. It loves freedom, and if captured, it will escape at the first opportunity. (If you capture it in a balloon, it will seep out or explode out whenever it can). Air is also associated with the interrelationships (links) between people and things.
So one keyword is "linking":
Air people are concerned with thought, ideas and intellect. They are detached and objective. They can be versatile and agile in communications. But they might not accomplish their promises or goals unless they are grounded in earth. They are the theory people in the "theory versus practice" debate. Nonetheless, while the air people are less practical than those of the earth, they are more practical and objective than the other two signs. They can become dreamers, thinking and planning, but not applying. Air people are reflective and think things through logically before they implement their ideas. They can be procrastinators, but they rarely make mistakes through lack of thought. They tend not to be emotional, but they are fair minded and consider other's viewpoints. They are group rather than person oriented. They love humanity, but are not that close to individuals. They have varied interests and could become perpetual students.
Water, like earth, is heavy, and falls to the earth. It is less easily constrained than earth, but more easily than fire or air. Yet water can rise up into the air (although it often falls again as rain.) Unlike fire and air, it forms a flat surface, therefore, like earth, it has some form. It is therefore less limited than the earth, but more limited than fire and air. While fire cannot be contained, it disappears if you totally enclose it, and air expands to fill any container, water is more limited and keeps it volume, and has a level. While fire cannot destroy the earth, water can. It is the universal solvent that has the potential to make everyone one, without destroying that which it unites. Water can rise high with the help of air, but generally doesn't move upwards. Water is extremely powerful, and will always find its own level. If artificially constrained at a high level, it will eventually break free, but then it will fall. Water is impressionable and reflective. It can go deep. Archetypal water refers to the feelings and the emotions. It refers to the unconscious mind. Normally water is cold, that is, it absorbs energy. It takes in the energy of others. Water is more sensitive than the other elements in that it can appear in the three forms of matter: solid like the earth; liquid - its normal state - and as vapor - like air.
Water people are very sensitive to their own feelings and those of others. They perceive life through their emotions. They are concerned with what feels right, with their hunches or impressions, rather than with what is practical or rational. They use the emotions, not the intellect, to understand and to value. Water can raise people to the heights of bliss, but can bring them down to the depths of despair.
Water rises into the air and falls as rain, nurturing the land. The earth absorbs it to become fertile. We can go for weeks without food, but only days without water. Living things need water. With it they grow and mature. Without it they die.
Water people need close emotional relationships, and rarely have superficial affairs. They can be volatile. They are romantic, sentimental and affectionate. They can be very nurturing and very possessive with their family and spouse. They have fixed opinions. They communicate in non-verbal ways; emotionally, psychically, or through forms as art, dance, music, poetry and photography. Their beliefs are based on feelings rather than on reason, passion or practicality.
For added confusion:
Aries: Yang
Taurus: Yin
Gemini: Yang
Cancer: Yin
Leo: Yang
Virgo: Yin
Libra: Yang
Scorpio: Yin
Sagittarius: Yang
Capricorn: Yin
Aquarius: Yang
Pisces: Yin
Before my conclusion, let me say that this research has my opinion that Sir (Aquarius) and kitten (Virgo) are well suited for E/each O/other!
So…what would Y/you say is the most Dominant after reading all the above? My brain says LEO!
What about the most submissive? Survey says: VIRGO!
I never want to read another horoscope in my life *giggles*
*falls into a state of vegetation*
first of all: I hope you got a fucking HUGE goldstar for this assignment!
ReplyDeleteI've always....let's say 'cautiously believed' in astrology -I'm a Scorpio btw! *LOL*
I found a lot of stuff was spot on though.
I hope you don't mind but I *Blog this!-buttoned* this post -I'd love to see what Master thinks of it! (same element but not same sign. I'm classed as the exception to the submissive water signs *L* --maybe that why I can seem "switchy"??)
Anyways thank you -I loved this post! Hope you derived joy from it too in the end ;)
This was a really interesting post! It really made me think about some aspects of My Dom's and my personalities (I'm a Virgo, he's a Scorpio). Thanks for an illuminating entry!