Monday, April 22, 2013

The First Time...

Not sure why, but i had a daydream today of the time SirW told me He loved me...well, sort of told me anyway...

After skyping for 2 months, He visited His kitten.  In a previous post, i described Our first kiss, so i won't go into that again, but it was on Our last day...Sunday, April 3rd, 2011...

One of the hardest things We had to endure about being in a LDR was the day when He or i would leave to go back home.  The feeling of being left comes a couple of days prior to the actual day, but in order to make the most of every moment of being together, those feelings are best pushed way back in the brain, if possible.

The week We spent together was simply magical and We found ourselves on Our last day together.  i woke up emotional, like my heart was being ripped out of my body and squished.  i did not want to have His last memory of me a crying face, so i held back the tears as best as i could and just tried to be in the moment until He left...

Now, truth be told, i was head-over heals in love with SirW, but i did not want to scare Him by blurting out those 3 little words that say so least not the first one to say it...

There We were, stopped in front of the airport, removing His luggage from my trunk, knowing this was Our last moment together, lump in throat, holding back the tears, smiling as best i could.  i remember the day was beautiful and there were a ton of noises all around Us when We had Our last embrace goodbye...

After the hug, We kissed and then He started His walk towards the airport doors, when He turned around (by this time, tears were streaming down my face...i could not help it, though i tried - smile still on my mouth), He mouthed the words, "I love you" and then off He disappeared into the airport.

i, stunned, got into the car and started my drive home, weeping from the loss of my Sweetheart who took my heart with Him and drove home.  During the drive and the rest of the day, i wondered if i actually saw what i thought i saw...Him mouth the words, "I love you"

Later that night, He and i skyped, as usual, and the first question out of His mouth was, "Did you get what I mouthed to you as I walked into the airport?"  i said, "i think so, but just to be safe, could You repeat it for me now please?"  He giggled and said, "kitten, I am intoxicated by you - you have captured me completely...I love you"  i began to cry uncontrollably and when i apologized for being emotional, He told me that He loves every part of me, and that included all my emotions.  i told Him i had been in love with Him from the first night We chatted, but did not believe in love at first sight, so i did not think my feelings were real, but they were...

i have loved SirW, not just from the first day We chatted, but it feels like Our love has been a reunited love from a past life, or perhaps the deepest love of my soul in every lifetime i have had. 

Each sunrise i wake with Him, is another day of the deepest passion i have ever felt. my dreams, happily :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this story, kitten. It's love stories like this one that make reading blogs such a happy occupation.
